StAnd Reuse
Working together with Transition, University of St Andrews to reduce waste in St Andrews.
StAnd Reuse
What We Do
StAnd Reuse is a project run in partnership with Transition University of St Andrews to reduce waste in St Andrews. Household items are collected from students when they are leaving St Andrews and from the community throughout the year. These items are redistributed to students, households in need and charities throughout Fife. The partnership works closely with the University of St Andrews, St Can-drews and the British Heart Foundation.
Get Involved!
Post items on the StAnd Reuse facebook page for others to see
Contact StAndEN (info@standrewsenvironmental.org) for drop offs at the Kernel or for home pick ups
Contact Transition (transition@st-andrews.ac.uk) for details of their various drop off points
Bag it and drop it off at one of the BHF bins round town
Get Items:
Contact StAndEN or Transition of items or attend one of our give away events
Both StAndEN and Transition have volunteer opportunities for this project
Working together to reduce waste in St Andrews
Collects small household items
Redistributes the items collected to those in need, free of charge