This week the boys at Clean and Green took on the task of clearing our garden after digging up a lot of rubble and vegetation with a mini digger last week. A skip was hired to do this clearing, and the boys filled 7 skips total with bricks, rubbish and vegetation. This was extremely tough graft, especially with the cold weather making an appearance over the last few days. The skip was hired for one week however the boys finished it in three days, with a little helping hand from some of our Eco Hub team!
We have been planning how we are going to move forward with the garden, deciding to develop a pond space, an area for wildflowers, veggie beds and a wheelchair accessible paths and planting beds. Here is a rough draft of our plans:

One of our kind volunteers, who has a background in ecology, is also taking some soil samples, to see what wildlife we have already and to see what kind of plants would thrive in the garden and what nature they would attract. We hope to have some updates about this in the coming weeks!
We have also been looking at getting shrubs, trees and hedgerows for our garden space and have made some applications for funding to help us with this. If you know of any businesses that are looking to support a local charity through donating time, greenery, equipment or turf, do let us know!
If you would like to help us with our community garden development, please contact There are no set roles, so any ideas are welcome! For more information see: Volunteering.
Here is some photos of the garden being cleared!