As November draws to a close and Christmas gets ever closer, we have been feeling festive down at the Eco Hub! November has been a month of preparation - planning for St Andrews day, our Sustainable Christmas campaign and keeping our different projects running! See below for updates on what our different projects have been focused on this month!
The Energy Team
Our energy advisors have had an extremely busy month working on Cosy Kingdom projects, helping people in the community with energy advice! With the cost of living crisis affecting millions of us, you can imagine how busy our advisors have been and they are doing a grand job keeping up with the demand. It has also been a busy month for events, with Gavin and Jane doing 4 days of drop-in energy advice at PepsiCo Cupar (Quaker Oats) and Lynn doing lots of advice events around the community.

The Eco Hub
For November and December our theme down at the Eco hub is Sustainable Christmas where we will be showing tricks to make sustainable decorations, running a sustainable gift guide and having a tree and Christmas display in our window! To keep up to date with what we are up to, pop in and visit or see our social medias!

Our refill shop is now open later on a Thursday too! This is to allow folk who may be working 9-5 to still pop in and see us! We will open at 2pm on a Thursday and close at 7pm, running 9.30-5 as normal all the other days of the week!
We are still looking for cookbook recipes for our community cookbook, focusing on easy recipes that can be made in a slow cooker or air fryer! If you would like to contribute, email Sophie at sophie@standrewsenvironmental.org.
The Clean and Green Team
Its been a pretty busy month for Dave and the boys as they continue their work cleaning around the town. There has been a lot of graffiti and littering and with the recent bad bout of weather, they have been doing a lot to keep the town clean and tidy, rain or shine!
For the last week, they have also been developing our garden space at the Eco Hub, which we will be turning into a community garden space. They have been using a small digger to clear and landscape the space - very muddy work, especially with the rain! See below a photo of Donovan’s solution to stop bringing mud onto our carpets in the office!

The boys will be helping all day at St Andrews Day, and posts about the work they do with community pack ups have been running for the last week on our social media! Check it out on our Facebook and Instagram!
The Community Garden
The community garden sessions are now running every two weeks, just due to weather conditions and the fact there is little left to harvest. We have had a great season this year and are looking forward to the spring, where we can start growing again!
